Tai-Ji PID

Most industrial control loops are still of PID types. According to statistics, about 50% of the industrial PID loops are poorly tuned, which greatly hinders the operation of production units. Therefore, optimization of PID parameters will improve production unit operation and bring huge economic benefit.

Much PID tuning work is done manually, which is time consuming and tuning quality cannot always be guaranteed. Currently, most PID tuning packages use open loop step test for model identification. This will disturb unit operation.

Tai-Ji PID is a PID tuning package based on closed-loop identification:

·        Obtains models using closed-loop identification

·        Closed-loop test do not disturb unit operation

·        Highly efficient, can test and tune 10 loops simultaneously

·        Tuning cascade loops using one test

·        Using multivariable models to tune interactive loops and to provide decoupling parameters (next release)

·        User-friendly, designed for layman of PID control

·        Connects to DCS and PLC using OPC

·        Compatible with many systems: Honeywell, Foxboro, Bailey, Yokogawa, DeltaV, Siemens and more...


                          Closed-loop test                                            Model identification and PID tuning

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